Keywords: game, ja2, review
On a whim, I decided to install Jagged Alliance 2 again the other day, and amidst some searching for IMP mercenary editors*, I stumbled across Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13.

I can say only two things.

One: If you have Jagged Alliance 2, go install it again.

Two: Go download v1.13 from right now.

It's that good. We're talking orgasmic.

* I always like to twiddle the numbers for my IMP mercenaries so I'm not constrained to a minimum of 35 points before dropping to 0 points, especially since most of the mercs in the game have averages around 20 points in those skills and it just seems silly to either have 35 points or 0 points, with nothing in between. JA2 v1.13 accommodates this, too, as it allows you to tweak the minimum and maximum possible levels with its INI file!
JA2 is very fun but I could only get so far soloing, so I stopped playing. It's annoying having to control more than one guy.

Also: bugs suck

There's the bug where if you load your game and go into battle, it freezes upon entering the enemy's turn. As well as bugs with having too many items on the map. =\
This is the fan-made JA2 v1.13 patch. Most bugs have been eliminated!

(Sadly, the freeze-on-enemy turn bug still exists, but only on very rare occasions -- generally just during typical gameplay, as whether you enter a battle immediately after loading the game has no bearing on it. Assuming you've saved before the battle (as any good player should ;-)) you usually just have to reload the game to start the battle over again -- the enemies will all be randomised again so it's a completely new experience and you won't suffer from many spoiled moments.)

As for controlling more than one guy, JA2v113 makes that very handy as well: just press the spacebar to cycle through all of the mercenaries in the sector, including mercenaries in multiple squads! The original JA2 allowed you to use the spacebar too, but only for the current squad.

I've gotten in the habit of clicking on the mercenaries that I want to move first, then pressing the spacebar rapidly until the first character is selected, then cycling through the mercenaries one-by-one, ensuring that every mercenary has had a chance to act this turn. Wasted AP = death!
Good news: build 407 of JA2v1.13 now includes a Ctrl+Enter function to break out of a seized turn.