Is it possible to have credit's on the browser going down. Or maybe something like starwars. You know how the work's are flying into outer space. How would I code that?

I should imagine it could be done via HTML, try looking at some of the HTML guides on google..
In response to Nexus6669
Well I searched for HTML but didn't find anything useful so I made a regular credit's verb. But why does the last line only show up and not the entire thing?

usr << browse("<center><B><u>Staff</u>")
usr << browse("<center><B><font color=green>Creator: DarkD3vil666</font>")
usr << browse("<center><B><font color=green>Iconer(s):DarkD3vil666, Hotness104</font>")
usr << browse("<center><B><font color=green>Mapper(s):DarkD3vil666</font>")
usr << browse("<center><B><font color=green>Coder(s):DarkD3vil666</font>")
usr << browse("<center><B><u>Speacial Thanks</u>")
usr << browse("<center><B><font color=green>XxSonGokuxX: Quests System</font>")

Whats wrong?

[EDIT]Nevermined I got it fixed.[EDIT]
The html tag marquee should do the trick.