Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
world.log << "SubSteps: [SubStepX], [SubStepY] ([NewX], [NewY])"
world.log << "Modulo NewY % 1: [NewY % 1], NewY - round(NewY): [NewY - round(NewY)]"
world.log << "Modulo NewX % 1: [NewX % 1], NewX - round(NewX): [NewX - round(NewX)]"
Expected Results:
Modulo NewY % 1: 0.757324, NewY - round(NewY): 0.757324
Modulo NewX % 1: 0.242615, NewX - round(NewX): 0.242615
Actual Results:
Modulo NewY % 1: 0, NewY - round(NewY): 0.757324
Modulo NewX % 1: 0, NewX - round(NewX): 0.242615
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? N/A
In other games? N/A
In other user accounts? N/A
On other computers? N/A
When does the problem NOT occur? N/A
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? Unfortunately, I have no idea at what version this stopped working
Use "Var1 = Var2 - round(Var2)"