how do i make items visable?
like if i equip a sword the icon will show that the char wear a sword(i saw games with that)
please give me link not "go search"
cuz i tried and didnt find anything
try using src.overlays+=watever
In response to Flame48
do you really think he wil understand one line of code? maybe you should explain better...
In response to Psycho8187
=\ yes im new in all this and i know i need graphic for every item i want to put right? so i dont think one line will actually help lol
In response to Brolly2000
It will, actually. The nifty F1 buttons open the reference in DreamMaker. Well, he said overlays. Look it up!
In response to Mysame
can u explane me cuz i didnt really understand the overlay at F1 ='(