Ussually when i do AI i do something like this
for(var/mob/m in view(2))
do this
it seems kinda a waste of resources for eevery mob in the game to be searching through a while loop every 20 mili seconds to see if their is a player nearby. Any ideas that would be more efficient
Problem description:
This way is made so the AI is only active if a player is within view (7 tiles in this case) Threw this together real fast for ya.
mob/AI |
That wouldn't be any better. He's going for efficiency here, and you are calling a for loop every time each player tries to move. Lummox's example is a good option, and I suggest both of you check out that article because it's very helpful.
Fugsnarf wrote:
That wouldn't be any better. He's going for efficiency here, and you are calling a for loop every time each player tries to move. Lummox's example is a good option, and I suggest both of you check out that article because it's very helpful. My way is also efficient, it's for tile-based movement of coarse. |
yes youd have to agree its alot more efficient then mine as it only activates when a player moves(which there should be less of then enemies) while mine happened infintiley rather if something was moving and also effected a greater number of mobs.
I also looked at your article, fugsnarf. I tried to copy and paste the code to fool around with it so i could learn. But all that did was bring about errors. When i fixed the errors all it did was do nothing. |
The code wasn't there to be copied and pasted. It's there to learn from and duplicate on your own. I guess that's too much to expect.
Fugsnarf wrote:
The code wasn't there to be copied and pasted. It's there to learn from and duplicate on your own. I guess that's too much to expect. We're sorry, oh great one. |
I didn't intend to come off as arrogant or pretentious, so I apologize if I did.
To the OP: the best way to learn these concepts is to make attempts at it yourself, like any other skill. I highly suggest that over just copying and pasting, but in the end it's up to you. |
Take a look at this post for a complete AI solution that doesn't use a mob-search loop for every enemy. Instead, I search for enemies within range every time a player moves.
In theory, there will be less players than AI on a map at a given time, thus the savings should be significant. On top of that, the most a player should be moving is one tile at most per frame, so you can pretty well depend on this scaling linear with your player count. |
Basically, one option is to use areas which trigger an AI loop of everything in that area and "wake them up" in a sense. The loop is only good as long as the thing is awake. I'd suggest giving that whole article a thorough read.