I consider myself to be a dragon-cat-kin, because dragons are cool and cats are simply adorable. No judging, please. :P
I had never actually heard of this before, so thanks for boosting my internet knowledge. Do I think dragons actually existed at one point for you to be reincarnated from? No. But you aren't hurting anyone so to each his own I guess.
i am the most narto-frog-kinnest.
The past two years have come to show me I am very intolerant of anyone that is Other-kin. The closer they are to my physically the more annoyed I get. Online other-kin, sure fine ish, I just don't read anything from you. But when I am in public and I am hearing some deer-kin f*ck, cannot stand it.
Who the fuck chooses deer as their speshul snowflake inner-self.
Background: This deer-kin's 3 or 4 year old son had some venison at a friend's house and liked it. Upon telling the parent, they were mortified that they did this and experienced a panic attack. They left the house for a walk, came back, thought it out, and this is the result.

otherkin, not even once
I'm secretly 2/3rd military fighter jet. But don't tell anyone.
I didn't ask to be mocked. You guys could be a little more understanding.
As far as my understanding of kinship is (since I won't dislike something if I don't know about it) that you need a lot more reasoning than "dragons are cool and cats are adorable" to really be into the kinship. Of course those are probably the true reason (along with whatever trauma you went through in life), but most kins aren't so accepting of bandwagoners.
I am still going to mock you. Probably Kozuma too.
In response to LongCat666
LongCat666 wrote:
I didn't ask to be mocked. You guys could be a little more understanding.

I wasn't mocking you. I'm seriously frog-kin, look at my forum avatar.

In response to EnigmaticGallivanter
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
Background: This deer-kin's 3 or 4 year old son had some venison at a friend's house and liked it. Upon telling the parent, they were mortified that they did this and experienced a panic attack. They left the house for a walk, came back, thought it out, and this is the result.

I am speechless.

And I suppose I am Mettaur-kin based on my avatar.

Though I have no idea what any of this actually means.
In response to LongCat666
LongCat666 wrote:
I didn't ask to be mocked. You guys could be a little more understanding.

Well something like that isn't really things people post about on BYOND, if at all.
My thoughts on other-kin are as follows: If you really feel the need, it's your life. But I personally have a hard time taking anyone seriously about something like this.

I feel that other-kin is totally different from gender-switching. When someone wants to identify as a gender that doesn't correspond to their sex, they are jumping into a pre-existing role. But there is no role for dragons in our society. And the role of a cat is basically to just hang around and eat the food we give them.

So, what do you really mean? Do you actually believe that you have the spirit of a creature that doesn't seem to exist? Or of an animal whose brain can't even come close to seeing the world like a human does? It is very easy to see human qualities in other animals, mainly because you only know what it is like to be human. So really, I don't think that even you believe you are supposed to be a dragon-cat, but instead you believe you embody the human characteristics that you subconsciously mix with the idea of dragons and cats. "Cool" and "adorable" have no meaning to dragons and cats.
I don't know how to reply to this thread. I just can't think of anything serious or witty enough.
I believe i am a mafia dolphin and a yakuza kangaroo kin mix, did i get it right? I've never heard of this term or phenomenon before.
With the exception of the lol-so-randum troubled teens in which other-kin is just a phase, Teka, this "phenomenon" is a detrimental mental state that promotes degeneracy.
I consider myself to be a kawaii-potato-kin
I'll tolerate it.
Oh this is pretty bad then, It sounds like another conjured up idea of make-belief fantasy which people choose to believe and actually try to convince people of :|?

In this case i am most certainly angel-fish-kin?, now.. it explains my good nature.

That really is kawaii
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