Are there any fast and easy ways to remove all capital letters and punctuation from a sentence? Also how would I go about putting a space in place of a punctuation mark ONLY if it did not already have a space after it.
"Motley Crue RULES, they are the best!"
"Motley Crue RULES,they are the best!"
both become
"motley crue rules they are the best"
the point being to get the same line in spite of wether or not the person typing the input used capitals, punctuation at all or wethe ror not they put a space after it.
The ckey() proc can do that for you, but it removes spaces. Not sure if that suits your needs.
In response to Jp
This will lowercase letters but I'm sleepy so I can't think of a good way to get rid of punctuation.

mob/verb/Say(T as text)
if(!T)return //Stops the verb if there is no text
T=lowertext(T)//lowercases every word inside the text
world<<"[]: [T]"//Shows the world the text