Ok I am working on a mud i almost finished it but how do I make mounts like horses and stuff?
Kind of hard to instruct you without knowing your variables, how the game is set up, etc.

In response to Tiko
can any one make a mounts code i really need it!

In response to Miran94
The easiest way to make a mount is to just make an icon of a person riding the mount. You will have 3 icons, 1 of your player, 1 of the mount, and 1 of the player riding the mount. When the player chooses to mount the mount, his icon will then change to the icon of the man riding the mount. This is probably the simplest system. Now if you want the player to move faster with the mount, this is a little trickier. You will need to modify the mob/Move() proc that is normally called when an arrow key is pressed.

To put it simply, nobody is going to help you if you are not willing to try for yourself. "can anyone make a mounts code i really need it!" suggests that you are unwilling to try it for yourself. I can go on and on about the best possible way to design the mount system, but I would not make it for you. You, as the programmer, need to do that yourself.

To answer your question, yes I "can" make a mount system.
In response to Danial.Beta
the coding is tremendously easy. just look here;
then read up and then read up in the help area of dream seeker..

if it isnt easy for you after all that.. then it must just be me.. =\

learning and thinking "game mechanics from big time mmos thats 2d or 3d can really help think up the code system of where you need to start and what must be done and how it must be done, it really helps me"
In response to Danial.Beta
I really didnt understand the guid but I know how to code.

In response to Miran94
I understood the guide, I could write you a mounts code but for what in return for my time?
In response to Hork