Sep 13 2006, 11:56 am
i need to be able to find out the pixel coordinates and the tile coordinates of the mouse. the tile coordinates i can probably figure out but the pixel coords have me stumped.
Sep 14 2006, 11:22 am
anything at all will help even something like i dont think its possible or look at this and this it could help.
In response to Android Data
i think it sort of does i read it but i dont really get how id get the values of mouse x and mouse y out.
In response to Android Data
Android Data wrote:
Doesn't hub://Loduwijk.KeyState do this? It does but not very well. And if I recall correctly, it gets the mouse coordinates relative to the corner of the monitor, not the active window. I've been wanting for quite some time to update that and to polish off some of my other libraries to release, but I've been so busy lately; and that is going to get worse for the immediate future as I get a 3rd job. No fixing those things up any time soon. :( |