![]() Sep 14 2006, 5:47 pm
I'm having trouble with the monsters and class change. For the class change, i have to pick up the class changer before i can talk to it. >_< WEIRD. And the monster how do i set up a monster to fight?
![]() Sep 14 2006, 6:18 pm
Um, could you show us what code you do have?
I cant believe your having trouble with Class changing, the pricipals for class changing are INCREDIBLY Simple!
Seriously, you change a variable to something else, here ill give you a quick lession using diablo classes Warrior, Rouge, Sorc Im a Warrior and i create a new character I level as a Warrior, and it calls the proc to check for it the variable, hp, maxhp, class, level are all predifined proc/levelup() <tab>switch(class) <tab><tab>if("Warrior") //Give warrior Stats!!! Since my class is warrior ill get the WARRIORs stats <tab><tab>if("Rouge") my class isnt Rouge, so i wont get rouge same goes for wizzard now when i class change it gives me a nice list of classes, and i pick say a rouge the variable Class changes like so class now equals "Rouge" so when i level, i get Rouge Stats Its pretty simple really, just...keep the KISS rule in mind Keep It Simple Stupid Nuff said |