Anyone know a tutorial for building.
In building I mean like you need materials to build stuff....
Sep 17 2006, 1:09 pm
Sep 17 2006, 1:23 pm
Why don't you look up "building demo" or something simular, learn from it and add thing's that you need.
In response to DarkD3vil666
i did look under building. But none of them have wat im looking for. Like to build stuff with wood.....
In response to Tim49ers
In that case just make the verb. Make it so that when you click the Build verb it check's your contents for wood, and if you have some you add a new obj to your content and delete the wood. You can add thing's on from there like make it so while your making something, you can't build until your done. I would show you an example to refur to but i'm not exactly sure how and I'm a little busy to figure it. Sorry. Hope this help's.
In response to DarkD3vil666
say wat?
In response to Tim49ers
Dude....Are you even making a game?
In response to Revojake
lol yea.....
In response to Tim49ers
I have a building system. It lets you build atoms in shapes. It has many tools, such as circle ring block drag line flood click and box. Contact me on aim for it xxdarckwizardxx. I do not feel like posting it on the forums. There is NO building system like this.
In response to Xx Dark Wizard xX
i dont think he wants something like icon building i think he wants like building a wall and deleteing 5 wood from your inventory type thing.
In response to Flame500
well, that wasnt what he said on aim.
In response to Xx Dark Wizard xX
lol flame500 is right. I thought urs was like that so thats what i said on aim....
In response to Tim49ers
are you talking about a system that checks your contents to see rather or not you have a enough iteams to build a iteam? if so look up if,==,new,and few others that you can probley figure out the rest.
In response to National Guardsmen
say wat?
In response to Tim49ers
its obvisouly too complicated to explain to you if you dont even really know what your asking.
In response to Drakiel
explain it to me
In response to Tim49ers
In response to Tim49ers
First of all you can't bump your post unless its off the front page and its been 24 hours since the last post.
Second of all, people have tried to explain it to you. You just say "say wat?" You obviously want someone to just give you the source for a building demo of some sort. I'll give you a little push in the right direction, but you're going to have to figure it out, and build on to it. If you post "say wat?" then you don't want help so get off the forums. =D First you need some type of variable to hold the amount of materials you have so you'll know whether or not you'll have enough to build something. Let's use wood. mob We'll start off with 5 units of wood. Let's say a wooden wall requires 3 pieces of wood to build. We'll define that so we can check it later, and change it if we need to. turf Now you'll want a way to actually build the wall, if you have the required materials, of course. mob This is very untested. I made it all in the forums. Whether it works or not, it should give you an idea of what to do. ~ K |
In response to Koil
lol this i can understand
In response to Revojake
You dont have to make a game to code..>.> iv been coding for bout 3 years and havent made a single game..>.> just learning