NPCKelnerth damagecounter2 = 10 damagecounter = 10 speed = 8 density = 1 damage = 2 class = "demon" sequence = list("","Kelnerth readies his fists, having caught sight of his prey.",
"Kelnerth pulls back his fists and drove them into his victim's face.",
"Kelnerth growls, cracking his knuckles as he prepares for the next attack.")
verb Talk() set src in view(1) var/mob/Player/me = usr if(me.class == "Human") if(me.demonquest==0)
if(!src.arouse) src.Say("Come closer [me], I have a very interesting proposal for you.") sleep(20)
else Say("I'll be right back, [me]. I have things to settle.") return if(!src.arouse)
src.Emote("glances around, checking that no one else is in the vicinity, before continuing.")
sleep(50) else Say("I'll be right back, [me]. I have things to settle.")
return if(!src.arouse) me << "[src] whispers,\"You look tough, just the person I need. But you also look like you have some problems troubling you.\
" sleep(50) else Say("I'll be right back, [me].
have things to settle.") return if(!src.arouse) me
<< "[src] whispers,\"I can turn you into a demon, powerful creatures like me with powers that can help them control their lives.\
" sleep(50) src.Emote("grins, showing his yellowed teeth.") sleep(30) else Say("I'll be right back, [me]. I have things to settle.")
return if(!src.arouse) me << "[src] whispers,\"So what do you think? Is that a yes?\"" var/choice = alert("Accept his offer?","Become a Demon","Yes","No")
if(choice=="Yes") me.demonquest=2 src.Emote("says to himself.") src.Say("Very good. Very good.") else me.demonquest=1 src.Emote("growls, shoving you roughly a few feet away from him.")
src.Say("Stupid human. You may refuse now, but sooner or later you will come crawling back for help.") me.control=1 walk(me,SOUTH) sleep(5) walk(me,0) me.control=0 return else Say("I'll be right back, [me]. I have things to settle.") if(me.demonquest==1)
Emote("has a cocky look on his face. Apparently, he's been right about something.") sleep(40) Say("So you've came crawling back like I thought you would.") var/choice = alert("Accept his offer?","Become a Demon","Yes","No") if(choice=="Yes") me.demonquest=2
src.Emote("smirks.") src.Say("Very good. Very good.") else me.demonquest=1 src.Emote("growls, shoving you roughly a few feet away from him.")
src.Say("Stupid human. You may refuse now, but sooner or later you will come crawling back for help.") me.control=1 walk(me,SOUTH) sleep(20) walk(me,0) me.control=0 return if(me.demonquest==2) src.Say("Now lets begin.")
src.Emote("lowers his voice so no one else can hear him.") sleep(10) me << "[src] whispers,\"You need to be as evil as you can get. Grab some athames from the store, and kill the innocents on the streets.\"" sleep(40)
if(!src.arouse) src.Emote("smirks.") me << "[src] whispers,\"When you have -20 alignment or less, come back to me.\"" sleep(40)
else return if(me && src && me.alignment<=-20) src.Say("I see you've returned.") me << "Objective completed." me.class = "Lower Demon" var/lighter = me.CheckUnlock
(me.ckey, "Lower Demon") if(!lighter) me.Unlock(me.ckey,"Lower Demon") me << "Lower Demon unlocked." me.sighty = 1 me.see_invisible = 1 me.demonquest = 3 Emote("waves a hand over [me].") me << "You feel partially stronger." sleep(30) if(me.demonquest==3) if(me && src && arouse == 0 && me.power < 15)
me << "[src] whispers,\"Before we continue any further, I want you to collect and absorb stray powers from the recently deceased.\"" me << "[src] whispers,\
You HAVE TO BE quick, or they will vanish after a while. Stronger beings like witches leaves behind more powers.\"" sleep(50) me << "[src] whispers,\
"Once you get enough 15, I will trade it with you for Energyball.\"" return if(me && src && arouse == 0 && me.power >= 15) src.Emote("nods, and without further time wasted, he grips [me] by the neck.") sleep(10) me << "At the same time, you feel a different form of power being transferred into you."
sleep(10) s
rc.Emote("lets go, [me] lands on the floor roughly.")
me.energyball = 1 me.verbs += /mob/Player/Powers/verb/Energyball me << "You can now use Energyball.
" me.demonquest = 4 me << "[src] whispers,\"Anytime you want to drop by hell, talk to me.
It'll require some fees though.\"" me.power -= 15 return if(me.demonquest == 4) if(me.power >= 10) var/i = alert("Kelnerth: Teleport to hell for 10 power?","CHARMED","Yes","No")
if(i=="Yes") Emote("waves a hand over [me].") me.loc = locate(156,195,1) me.power -= 10
NPCDymas damagecounter2 = 4 damagecounter = 4 speed = 5 density = 1 damage = 1 class = "demon"
sequence = list("Dymas summons an athame, ready for battle.","",
"Gripping the handle tight, Dymas thrusts the athame deep into his target.","Dymas growls, \"To hell with you!\"")
verb Talk() set src in view(1) var/mob/Player/me = usr if(me.power >= 10)
var/i = alert("Dymas: Teleport back to surface for 10 power?","CHARMED","Yes","No") if(i=="Yes") Emote("waves a hand over [me].")
me.loc = locate(46,57,1) me.power
What the heck is this?!?
In response to DivineO'peanut
Looks like a bad copy and paste job lol
Don't just rip the sourcecode of another game and try to use it to make your own. This is from that "Charmed" game, right? Seems we're going to have ANOTHER outbreak on our hands...
In response to Android Data
Not if it makes people start coding like THAT.
In response to Nadrew
This is not a rip its just that i am new to coding so i dont know how to arrange my code this is from my charmed game.
BUMP No one still helpded me.
In response to Miran94
Miran94 wrote:
This is not a rip its just that i am new to coding so i dont know how to arrange my code this is from my charmed game.

1. I remember the exact same NPC from Xoule's original: the demon NPC who you can talk to to become a demon yourself.

2. If you're a newbie, then how the hell did you manage to code a complete NPC system?

3. What you posted is NOT valid code. Copy/paste it properly, and you may expect help, though I wouldn't count on getting much if your intentions are to run off with code snippets.
In response to Android Data
Android Data wrote:
Miran94 wrote:
This is not a rip its just that i am new to coding so i dont know how to arrange my code this is from my charmed game.
2. If you're a newbie, then how the hell did you manage to code a complete NPC system?

People define 'newbie' as different things, I define myself 'newbie', and I can code a NPC system. :p

1. I remember the exact same NPC from Xoule's original: the demon NPC who you can talk to to become a demon yourself.

roflrofl koght
I have repasted it so can any one help me now BUMP
In response to Miran94
Still unreadable. -0oi00i0ki0i
Can any one help me or make me a new one based on this NPC and Quest. BUMP
In response to Miran94
Miran, seriously, learn how to program, not rip/modify aa code and call it your own... because, what you are doing is basically doing is adding more than one statement without seperators in a single line, which basically messes it up, breaking up lists without using text macros to ignore the enter break marks... and givign me a headache with that code snippet >_>''

- GhostAnime - Do not think that people will make you something you don't even know how to do... well, actually some people will to show you the point, but hey... if you're a programmer and if you ask people how to do every little thing, you're a Help Vampire... Start small and work your way up, such as reading a tutorial