I want a way, to not let the players who arent logged in to do anything with verbs, not even worldsay something.
What I did, is as long as ur not logged on, it doesnt show the verb panel... BUT when they write the verb it self in the text box at bottom, it works :( so is there a way to absoloutly not let em do any verb untill their logged, WITHOUT going throught each verb and doing it?
Depends on how your creation system works really.
mob/notlogged/Login()//for mob creation/loading/etc proc with specific mob path. When created a char (or loaded), if the mob path is different, it should have all the verbs added again
verbs-=verbs//if you do verbs=null, it won't work. This effectively takes away all verbs given

mob/Login()//This part of the method is for mobs that you do not change the path of (meaning no special mobs for connection and playing, it's the same basic mob stuff)
verbs+=typesof(/mob/verb)//re-adds the basic verb, add this line where neccessary)

- GhostAnime
Download and modify hub://AndroidData.CharacterHandling
It does character handling at a client level allowing for more control, and automatically removes any verbs / the map / statpanels. Just follow the golden rule that client.mob must be set by the time client.New() returns and you'll be fine. Keep in mind that client.New() CAN have a while() loop in it during this period, so if you want to do fancy things like make it browser-based you can just use a while() loop to suppress the returning until mob is set.