I can code anything but char handling and i don't wana rip char handling but how do i learn to make one.
Depends how you want to make it. If you want a login-and-show-input type of system, I highly recommend Android Data's Character Handling thing, he doesn't mind [or else he wouldn't of made it] but make sure you read the instructions + credit him.

If you want the title screen one, in which you can click the new/load/etc buttons, you have to:
- Make a new datum for people logging in (I recommend a new datum.. but to a lesser degree, mob.. but that's my opinion as I love to play around with /image)

- Change world.mob to reflect that change

- Modify that Login(), making sure you do not call the parent type, and force it to locate to the title screen position if mapped (eg: player/Login() {src.loc = locate("titlescreen");return}).. better yet, I guess making the eye locate there is a better idea.

- If you do not want the mob to move, modify that particular path Move to return 0 {player/Move() return}

- Have a pre-drawn title screen with buttons part of it and all, make it as a turf or layer it to be lower/equal than/to the turf's layer (2 I believe). Also, use PNG instead of BMP.. samething but saves a LOT more space (likewise, use OGG instead of WAV and such for the same reason).

- Make a /turf type so when the usr clicks it, it calls the creation stuff and map it over the buttons on the picture in the map:
while(! = input("What is your name?") as null|text

- Make sure you modify Logout() appropriately, such as to delete the mob.

That's a basic rough sketch, per say.

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
wat is the best library or demo for title screens , in which you can click the new/load/etc buttons ? BUMP