Is the a way to display an entire image file(.png) without having to split it up into 32x32s?
Tazor07 wrote:
Is the a way to display an entire image file(.png) without having to split it up into 32x32s?


In response to King of Slimes
Curriousity has erroused me!

Can it be done for a mob instead of a turf? :P (and without using the power of the overlay!)

Last time i tried i only saw 32 of the 32 immage (or was it a resized version of it?)
In response to Dark_rathen
Dark_rathen wrote:
Curriousity has erroused me!

Can it be done for a mob instead of a turf? :P (and without using the power of the overlay!)

Last time i tried i only saw 32 of the 32 immage (or was it a resized version of it?)

It can be done with mobs!


Your welcome Deex!
In response to King of Slimes
Im saying during when the world is running. Sorry i didn't specify that, whenever I use image it shrinks the png file down into a 32x32.
In response to Tazor07
24 hour bump
In response to Tazor07
Why do you want to display a large .PNG file after the game runs? but if you do, the only way I can _think_ of is with browse() :/ Unless you feel like converting it to DMI and editing some atom's icon + icon state

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime