If my maps are different sizes, it adds empty space to the smaller ones so that they are the same size, is there anyway to prevent this. The empty space is a solid black "turf" that has no density, but it shouldn't be there, it should be my map edge. Here's a ruff example.

* *######
* *######
* *######
* *######

* *
* *
* *
* *

- * map edges
# blank space(I don't want this)
KirbyAllStar wrote:
If my maps are different sizes, it adds empty space to the smaller ones so that they are the same size, is there anyway to prevent this.

No. When BYOND loads maps it just loads them onto new Z levels, and pads out the empty space with the default turf. If you want to work around this you'll have to use things like client.edge_limit.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Ok I got it to work with
density=1//so the players can't walk on the default area(or the black area)
density=0//I put this so that the player could move throughout the map
client.edge_limit = "SOUTHWEST to [92],[17]"

I think I'm using this correctly, and thanks for the help, this will fix a lot of my problems with my maps.

Note: this is not where I'm using the edge_limit its just to show how I used it