Okay, all Sega games(almost) and most great games have some sort of... PAUSE BUTTON! How(if there is a way) do you pause all the procs in the world?
You could have a global variable for pausing and do something like this:

var/pause = 0

if(pause) return //If you want to stop the procedure
return ..()

while(pause) sleep(10) //This would be if you want the procedure to sleep
return ..()
In response to Popisfizzy
Hm that works for the most part.... but what about time procs? heh...
In response to Spiderdude
It depends on how you're doing it. If you're comparing it against world.timeofday or world.realtime (I forget which is the accurate one) it might be a bit tricky. If you have one that simply does ticks, though, you can use the while(pause) one.
In response to Popisfizzy
timeofday is more accurate I believe as it doesn't have to deal with the day, week, etc.. just the time itself.

- GhostAnime