this is the code of my turf.
if(M.Guild_Name == Guildowner1)
M.loc = locate(154,240,5)
M.density = 1
M.it_blocked = 1
M.it_lock = 1
M << "You aren't in the Guild "
M << "You must be in a Guild to enter the Guild Hall"

Heres my GM code:
switch(alert("Which Guild House do u wish to change","Change guild house owner","House 1","House 2","House 3"))
if("House 1")
var/ghowner1 = input("Please input guild name of new owner","Change guild house owner")
Guildowner1 = ghowner1
world << "New owner of Guild House #1: [ghowner1]"

I hope you guys understand what im trying to do. I want to make a GM verb (change guild house) where you can put in the new owners of the guild house.
So you click on the verb, you choose the house, you put in the new owner of guild house, and then only members of that guild can enter. The owners of the guild house can be edited with that verb at anytime.
You should probably use datums for guilds.

This allows for customization to be easier, without having to have 'inguild1', 'inguild2'. Instead, you have a guild datum, which then you reference to the mob.

Read that article, and you should understand.