Im pretty good at coding but when it comes to putting stuff in the client.screen i suck. so basically im asking for help. i need to know how to make it so i can locate an object on the map and add a overlay to it, BUT so the overlay is within the usr's screen so no one else can see the overlay except the one player. basically.. ill make up an example... say if i click an object on the map, and if i wanted to make a target like an arrow. so that the usr clicks the object and now his/her target is the object, how do i add the arrow into the usr's client screen so he can see who hes targeting, without using overlays so ONLY the usr can see the target icon?

Kinda confusing but i think i stated my question pretty simpleish :).

Thanks in advance.
When I read that I was like Whaaaaaat? I don't get the thing about the arow and overlay thogh if u want hud i can help you with that.

- Miran94
What you ask for has nothing to do with client.screen. It's yet another trivial thing I encounter which new developers like you do not know. Again, consider reading this before moving on since despite what you say I don't consider you to be "pretty good at coding" at all.

What you ask for can be achieved by using image objects. client.images is the list you're looking for.