Feb 3 2007, 7:23 am
I'm making a game and I was triend to make wind over the ground. I made the icon but the map is 100tiles by 100tiles which results in 10000tiles covered by wind. I tried it as an object but it resulted in object overload. I triedturf but it cancled other turfs out. For example if I put it over a dense wall you can walk though the wall. Please help.
Feb 3 2007, 7:24 am
Answer: Overlays
In response to Disturbed Ninja
What do you mean? I'm not sure how to make overlays to turfs. Please tell me.
In response to Poal
Well you can make it so that you can walk under it, or overlay in other words. Simply like this...
turf That would make the wind over you. If you put it on a dense icon, the dense icon will become not dense. So be careful. |
In response to DarkD3vil666
Oh but just wondering, is there a way to stack turfs? I know thats a nooby question but still is there?
In response to DarkD3vil666
DarkD3vil666 wrote:
Well you can make it so that you can walk under it, or overlay in other words. Simply like this... > turf That would make the wind over you. If you put it on a dense icon, the dense icon will become not dense. So be careful. So I should make wind on turfs around dense things? Like walls? |
In response to Poal
Well, as long as the icon doesn't take all 32x32 pixels, you can, but the turf on top is the turf that contains all mobs/objs on it.
turf/WindTile// Could be an area withhout an Icon A reply to another post a bit like this, if the turf has no icon it will stack :D |