Okay I just want to know how to make a file to put all my pictures in I dont need any1 saying how bad i am So what Im new at it I read the DM guide I looked all over for it but there is nothing about making files just plz tell me a step by step talk through on how to do it...
Thanks >.>
open Dream Maker, go to File and create a new environment, go to new and make a new Icon file, then copy paste what icon/pictures you want into it.
In response to Chase_Hammer
My pictures are a little to big to fit in that little square... I mean a picture picture lol like off the internet that i saved to my pictures and all that
In response to Jazzyfizzle
Well, in byond most icons are 32X32 pixels only. But if you want to use larger pictures it's a bit more complex, unless its for something like a title screen.

Just put the picture in the same folder as the enviroment and it'll let you set an object's icon to it.
In response to Atomixkid
Atomixkid wrote:
Well, in byond most icons are 32X32 pixels only. But if you want to use larger pictures it's a bit more complex, unless its for something like a title screen.

Just put the picture in the same folder as the enviroment and it'll let you set an object's icon to it.
> icon='pic.gif'

aren't only .png and .bmp acceptable in byond as a picture?
In response to Atomixkid
Note that such approaches internally split the image file to 32x32 dmi icons, and is mostly only useful with the Map Editor which allows convienent placement of multiple objects at once to lay out the whole image.