this is my code i know its in the complete wrong way but ya no i tried, he im still a byond newbie
mob //note its all commentted out cuz i could never get it working var c al = 0 pcom scom verb /* Primary_Command() if(usr.pcom != null) new( Secondary_Command() if(usr.scom != null) */ Change_Primary_Command() var/Clist = list() for(var/verb/o in usr.verbs) Clist += o pcom = input("What Command would you like for you primary command (The spacebar key)")in Clist Change_Secondary_Command() var/Clist = list() for(var/verb/o in usr.verbs) Clist += o scom = input("What Command would you like for you secondary command (The z key)")in Clist
You need to take a look at the call() and hascall() functions.
In response to Nadrew
but this is possible am i correct?
In response to Tubutas
the easier way is have a verb call on a proc
In response to Chase_Hammer
lol good point can u code an example out for me
In response to Tubutas
verb // all below verbs will show up in commands
Testing() //or could do usr/src.Testing()

proc //all below proc will not show and must be called on to activate
usr<<"This is a test"

hope that helps.
You can call verbs exactly the same as you can call procs (actually, verbs ARE procs but just with some added extras).
However, when calling procs, you'd have to specify the args yourself, using the 'as blabla in' notation does nothing in that case, you'd have to manually use input(). You may also need to pass the correct value to 'usr', not with mob/verb's though (use 'src' in the verb instead of 'usr').
In response to Chase_Hammer
Ill say it before lummox does >_>. Dont put usr in procs, use src.
In response to Knifo
kk if this doesnt work then ill show u wat happend
In response to Tubutas
o.o i did this whole post wrong i wanted from a var to a verb.... if any1 read my code then they would have noticed...