How can i make a Sign?
I have a building game wich is in Alpha stages,
I really need to know how to create a sign...
So when a player places it down, It asks what the sign should say, And when a player bumps into it, It shows a mesage to that user what the sign should have had written on it.

I've tried to create my own, But i have failed,
I have looked for a demo or something to help me,
But i cannot find one :(

So can someone link me to a Demo wich exsplains how to create a sign obj with this verb, Or can someone make one for me to learn off.


- Bevan
There aren't any demos which are ONLY about signs. But there are demos which include code for signs. Try Nintendo's Building demo. It has a great sign code.
In response to Armiris
Can yu get the link of it?
I cant find it..

I recommend <re->reading the DM Guide if you can't accomplish such a simple thing. :\
obj/sign //define a new obj type
var/message //all sign objs have a message var
set src in oview(3) //define a verb on signs that is only accessible when the player is within 3 tiles of the sign and can see it
usr << "The sign says:\n[src.message]" //show the player the sign's message.

mob/verb/create_sign() //a verb to create a sign with a set message. you can also set vars such as this BTW via the Map Editor's instance editor.
var/obj/sign/O = new(src.loc) //create a new sign at the player's loc
O.message = input("What message should the sign have?") as text