Well I have a game where I have a selection of serveral maps at the beginning when you get through them I want it so when you talk to the one guy it ends and it starts over and it brings you to the map selection screen an1 have an idea on how to do that?
If so Thx very much reply ; )
Look up the Reboot proc?
In response to Beatmewithastick
I did but nothing helps that comes up...
Well you could do a couple of things it really depends on how you have them chose the map the easiest way or the way i would do it would be like this.
talk()//you talk to the guy or whatever
switch(input("Are you done?") in list ("Yes","No"))
src.loc=locate(0,0,0) //that would put them in nothingness
src.Login()//in simple terms its just redoes the login

//If you do a World.Reboot if in the case of an online game it will reboot everyone
In response to Smokymcpot
Why would you recall Login() that makes no sense whatsoever.