I was wondering if anyone knows how I would do this...
My game has a selection of map1 map2 map3 but when it gets to map3 I want it to have a certain Icon I made on the persons head but only on myap3 when you select it...
After 60 secounds I also need it to take you back to 1,1,3
If you can help plz Id appreciate it very much ty ^_^
Feb 28 2007, 2:25 am
Jazzyfizzle wrote:
I was wondering if anyone knows how I would do this... It sounds like you just want to add an overlay to the player, then remove it again when they leave that map. After 60 secounds I also need it to take you back to 1,1,3 A simple spawn(600) will give you that 60-second delay, and then you can change the player's loc var appropriately. Lummox JR |
Anyway, read the DM Guide and Reference, they cover how to do that. You want to use overlays,sleep()/spawn(),locate().