I was wondering if anyone knows how I would do this...
My game has a selection of map1 map2 map3 but when it gets to map3 I want it to have a certain Icon I made on the persons head but only on myap3 when you select it...
After 60 secounds I also need it to take you back to 1,1,3
If you can help plz Id appreciate it very much ty ^_^
That's a trivial matter. Did you actually create the aforementioned "selection"? What's the problem in adding that stuff when the player chooses map 3?
Anyway, read the DM Guide and Reference, they cover how to do that. You want to use overlays,sleep()/spawn(),locate().
Jazzyfizzle wrote:
I was wondering if anyone knows how I would do this...
My game has a selection of map1 map2 map3 but when it gets to map3 I want it to have a certain Icon I made on the persons head but only on myap3 when you select it...

It sounds like you just want to add an overlay to the player, then remove it again when they leave that map.

After 60 secounds I also need it to take you back to 1,1,3

A simple spawn(600) will give you that 60-second delay, and then you can change the player's loc var appropriately.

Lummox JR