Well so far I made the device that I needed....
But I need a code so that the user will be sent back to 1,1,3 if they dont reach 1,25,3 in 60 secounds
If the 60sec. pass that person will be sent back to 1,1,3
Here is my code for the device can you plz add on (Not like the code but what to put after it for the Quetion I asked tyvm ^_^)
power = 0
set src in usr
usr << "Thats equipped!"
set src in oview(1)
Equip() alert(usr,"By now you have picked up a death device In exactly 60 secounds you will DIE! Make it through the course before time is up and the device will deactivate! Make your choice [usr]!")
Tyvm for your help ^_^ I appreciate it ALOT tyvm
Feb 28 2007, 4:36 pm
In response to Tails5
Using multiple consequent alert() calls WILL create 3 different alerts. To split off long lines of code, escape a newline with \ (type "\[newline]" to escape the newline, like so:)
var/test = "This is a pretty long text string,\ You can also mess with the indentation in the "fake new line" if you want, it will always be counted as part of the previous line anyway. For text strings it may actually count as part of the string, but you can freely split off things like this: if((input(M,"What is your choice") as null|anything in \ And pretty related, for general knowledge, for actual newlines in alert()'s and input()'s, you can use the \n macro. |
I think that should do it :)