Mar 1 2007, 6:59 pm
I'm sorry to bother everyone... but for the last few days, I've been trying to get a random system for my game. You know that in pokemon RP (reborn) has random shiny pokemon? I'm making a game that is about Dragonball and you can get random Super Saiyan. If you don't know what that is you should watch the show.
In response to Xeal
better yet in dream maker type in the word rand move the cursor over it and hit F1. if that doesn't work go look in the tutorials page.
In response to Xeal
What do you mean Prob()
In response to Psi-op1
Psi-op1 wrote:
better yet in dream maker type in the word rand move the cursor over it and hit F1. if that doesn't work go look in the tutorials page. Tried that. |
In response to Xeal
Xeal wrote:
Jokerta wrote: Oh wait.. thanks it worked! |
mob Also, the DM reference does have alot on these. |
In response to Beatmewithastick
Beatmewithastick wrote:
mob Also, the DM reference does have alot on these. prob() Works much better. |
In response to Xeal
Depends for what. It won't do if you have more than 2 possible actions to take based on the randomization.
@Beatmewithastick: your last if() should really be an else instead (doing as such is what gives the extra possible action to prob(), BTW). |
In response to Kaioken
#define shinychance 10 prob is just a probability. |
Look up prob().