BYOND Version: Newest
Operating System: Vista and XP
Descriptive Problem Summary:
I've been testing a save code created by me and Gshadow8, and it appears that for 2500 turfs, it takes about 6 seconds. or about 400 turfs a second. With 5000 turfs, it takes around 20 seconds, or only 250 a second. With 10000 turfs, it takes around 100 seconds, leaving me with only 100 per second.
1250: 800 a second.
2500: 400 a second.
5000: 250 a second.
10000: 100 a second.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
for(var/A=1; A<world.maxz;A+=1)
var/map = "Hoshmap[A].sav"
if(fexists(map)) fdel(map)
var/savefile/F = new(map)
var/list/turfs = list()
for(var/turf/saveable/T in world)
if(T.z == A)
F["turfs"] << turfs
WorldMsg("The current level [A] has been saved to savefile.")
for(var/turf/saveable/T in world) del(T)
for(var/A=1; A<world.maxz;A+=1)
var/map = "Hoshmap[A].sav"
WorldMsg("Failed to load because no map for [A] could be found.")
var/savefile/F = new(map)
var/list/turfs = F["turfs"]
if(!turfs) continue
for(var/turf/saveable/T in turfs) T=locate(T.x, T.y, T.z)
WorldMsg("Saved level [A] has been loaded.")
The lag is from "var/list/turfs = F["turfs"]"
Expected Results:
Linear turfs/time
Actual Results:
exponentially more time per turf.
You loop through all turfs in the world for every zlevel you have. That would be your problem.