I want an equip were i can equip clothes,anrour,and items

but it just shows as an overlay cause i need clothes in my game
Spartagus wrote:
I want an equip were i can equip clothes,anrour,and items
but it just shows as an overlay cause i need clothes in my game

plz help
In response to Spartagus
The rules for bumping (bringing the topic back to the top) is that you need to wait for 1 day and when the topic is no longer on the first page.

If you want an equip system, than make a system with what you want.

This example shown to you is riddled with problems so don't bother copying/pasting and read how it is done. Some procs may be misspelled but it should be fairly easy to recognise:
Equipment //An equipment datum
if(usr.equipped) //If the equipped variable on the mob already has an item on it
var/a = usr.equipped //temp. variable
usr.overlay-=image(icon=src.icon,icon_state=src.icon_state) //Removes overlay
if(a==src)return //if the equipped item is already equipped, it is now unequipped and stops the verb. If another item was equipped, it is now unequipped and the next item will be equipped
usr.ovrelay+=image(icon=src.icon,icon_state=src.icon_state) //Adds overlay
usr.equipped=src //equips the item
usr<<"You equipped []!"

If this is not what you wanted, be more specific please.

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
I mean like wear clothes but when you were them you have an overlay no effects,just an icon overlay
In response to Spartagus
Spartagus wrote:
I mean like wear clothes but when you were them you have an overlay no effects,just an icon overlay

I need help
In response to Spartagus
I can tell you have no idea how to use this forum.

Its not a chat room. Lets just make that clear right now, you cant bump a thread every hour. This makes me :(
In response to XzDoG
I know
In response to Spartagus
Spartagus wrote:
I mean like wear clothes but when you were them you have an overlay no effects,just an icon overlay

It was shown in the example but you probably failed to see it... look up "overlays" in the DM reference.

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
Can you just tell me what the code is i dont want to look threw a bunch of words
In response to Spartagus
I did tell you the code and I did show you the code. Stop whining and either do some research or stop programming... after all, if you are not willing to do things by yourself and ask people for every little thing without attempting to help yourself, you'll find yourself getting little help as time passes by.

Also, in case, note I said DM Reference NOT DM Guide (DM Reference is basically the file when you press help [F1])

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
Notice i said WITH an icon
In response to Spartagus
As I said, look it up.

image() and icon() both can be used for overlays... haven't you noticed in the example I showed that it had icon and icon_state? If so, use your brain... replace image with icon...

If this is so hard for you to get it that you still need an example shown to use, I recommend to try experimenting... seriously, it isn't that hard if you try it out.

- GhostAnime
In response to Spartagus
Then shut the hell up, You are nothing but a 11 year old kid expecting to be spoonfed DM code.

In response to Kazekage
There is no need to flame him.

To the topic owner: I would suggestion reading the DM guide as well as looking up the overlays variable.