Well I tried to look arroudn But I can't seem to find a good example not even searching the forums.

Im looking for knowledge on how to import files for example.

to be included, and or a text file. In this case, I wish to expirament and learn with anything if it exists. I have a couple of ideas but I can't get far without the knowledge I seek.
Well you can't remotely include files just like that in the compiler, though you could workaround it and whatnot I suppose.
What do you need this for? Theres probably a better way to do this at any case.
In response to Kaioken
Kaioken wrote:
Well you can't remotely include files just like that in the compiler, though you could workaround it and whatnot I suppose.
What do you need this for? Theres probably a better way to do this at any case.

I don't really care if its even in the .dmb file's root diredtory wheres its executed.

I just want to Expirament thats all.
In response to Fusioneko
I can't add code to a DMB once it is compiled. You can read files in the DMB's directory (and subdirectories) with a number of file commands that you already have access to.

file(), text2file(), file2text(), fcopy(), flist(), fdel(), fexists(), /savefile, and probably some a few other things that I can't think of at the moment.
In response to Yota
Yota wrote:
I can't add code to a DMB once it is compiled. You can read files in the DMB's directory (and subdirectories) with a number of file commands that you already have access to.

file(), text2file(), file2text(), fcopy(), flist(), fdel(), fexists(), /savefile, and probably some a few other things that I can't think of at the moment.

Thanks Ill take a look at your information in the morning, Just incase anybody else has anything to say.