Keywords: cc, lethat, teen, tree

CC's plz!
i tried , im no expert on trees btw , im just trying to show you different ways to go about it , i made 2 versions in 2 diff colors
You know what you are doing with this piece.

I have two suggestions:
- Keep your darkest colors near the edges to give it a nice simple and clean look; Keep the outline, it gives character
- There wasn't really any information on the piece but I assume its for a game. I would shift the trunk to the middle only because once you start putting the trees onto a map, it may look awkward. (Or you could make multiple variations of the tree to break the repeated feel)

In response to Akto
Akto wrote:
You know what you are doing with this piece.

I have two suggestions:
- Keep your darkest colors near the edges to give it a nice simple and clean look; Keep the outline, it gives character
- There wasn't really any information on the piece but I assume its for a game. I would shift the trunk to the middle only because once you start putting the trees onto a map, it may look awkward. (Or you could make multiple variations of the tree to break the repeated feel)



LethalTeen wrote:

CC's plz!

Looks amazing.

[Insertation of Advice]
-Make the leaves show more honestly looking at the tree it looks more like a bush. Define dem leaves bro, thing of this as the hair shape it up stop with the shaggyness.
-Second take off dem w/e leaves they are in the middle wtf is this is?!, Personally i see what you're going for but it's not working here.Dem PIMPLES needa GO!
-The trunk, dat body needs a work out. You should make the Trunk more so you can see it, i honestly thought it coulda been a brown carrot with other carrots growing out of it, Shave em legs up bro. DO YOU EVEN LIFT!!!!!~~~~~
-AND THE leg hair cmon bro their is too much! Just add a little here and there and make it show more it'd look much nicer.
PS: i didn't do a full edit, honestly this edit took me 10 minutes cause my co-workies are not responding to me on skype. ._. i needed something to do on my day on.
PSS: It doesn't look complete, The bald spot on the top right of the tree makes it look like a retarded tree .-. srry if that sounds rude but yeah it's all sharp around the edged then right at the top it gets round.
In response to VixiV
It's not a retarded tree, it's just challenged ;o
0.0 thanks for advice, yea I am just practicing creating color palettes and trying to get a grasp on things such as trees... I used spirit ages as a reference, not going to use tree on any game just practice XD...and dang vixi...harsh D: lol
In response to LethalTeen
LethalTeen wrote:
0.0 thanks for advice, yea I am just practicing creating color palettes and trying to get a grasp on things such as trees... I used spirit ages as a reference, not going to use tree on any game just practice XD...and dang vixi...harsh D: lol

Lol sorry if it was harsh xD, CC mode was turned on, felt like i had to be serious. But it's better than most tree's people post for cc i'll give you that :3
In response to VixiV
VixiV wrote:

They both look great! (:
Vix's looks better though.
Thanks for the cc XD , decided I am going to use this gor a game so going to try to fix it the best I can and Here is edited version:

In response to LethalTeen
LethalTeen wrote:
Thanks for the cc XD , decided I am going to use this gor a game so going to try to fix it the best I can and Here is edited version:


Looks too bright now.
I like the warmer color, but the highlights are un-needed on a tree.

Those sprouts at the bottom look off, plus shouldn't be getting highlighted if they're in shade.
lol i don't think i can give any contribution to this post, but this is what happens when i try to draw trees.

It's just one big bubble of colours descending into darkness.
looks quite nice actually teka
I have been wanting to make another video and you just gave me the idea of making one on Tree. Well here's it is:

Tutorial 1:

Tutorial 2(gif):

Still images:

Other tutorials: A2J2TIWARI?command=view_post&post=818117&first_unread=1
I never understood this fascination with small trees. You guys are drawing them like they're barely 9ft tall.
Baby got trunk?
I took a crack at it as well, i'm trying to get better at pixel art
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