![]() Aug 4 2014, 11:29 pm
This seems completely unnecessary, if a post is too long for you to read then why bother commenting on it because chances are you'll have nothing constructive to say about the topic. This is why BYOND's going down the drain, it's community has been driven off by the drivel and immaturity of a majority of its users who seem to think that they can act like 4chan users.
There's nothing wrong with tl:dr, it's just how and where you use it, and the way you used it I wouldn't say it was rude but it wasn't needed especially since it was in a Developer Help topic. |
I read everything, and it was a waste of my time. Fml. At this point I wish I tl;dr'ed.
I think that there is a time and place for tl;dr's. This whole topic is a waste of time. Thanks to those who were mature about their opinion. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
https://www.change.org/petitions/ byond-nazi-moderators-give-back-the-people-of-america-the-ri ght-to-freedom-of-speech Signed it. The people of BYOND need to stand up for the nexus and their rights against these horrible, nazi moderato-- wait... Oh, that's me... |
MDC wrote:
I think "I'm a big douchebag who doesn't know any better" fits better. You missed the point completely, but I'm not surprised. To be fair you all are douche-bags. But when a guy like me gets to insulting you guys y'all all come together to make me look like the bad guy. Then I become to douche-bag and everyone's eyes. And these moderators can be pretty unprofessional time to time. I'm not saying I'm any better but honestly. Just look at their forum icons. <sarcasm>Yeah BYOND deserves so much more popularity than what it has.</sarcasm> |
Baird Techie wrote:
MDC wrote: I'm very self-aware that I am a douchebag 24/7. |
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
Baird Techie wrote: The cycle of life. BYOND forum users put down fan-made game owners and nobody cares. I put them, and everyone's offended. No one can put me down until they stop developing crappy games. Make up your minds you wanna be asshole elitist or a bunch of crybaby's who just want to make good games. Just proof how trash people are in general. |
If you're talking about Lige and I, he decided to troll me by using a very similar avatar to mine. Xirre hopped on the bandwagon, so I made a new one which Lige also took for his own.
Ganite wrote:
Whats wrong with the mods avatar pictures o_O? bias 1. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. moderator 2. a person who moderates an Internet forum or online discussion. |
Fugsnarf wrote:
If you're talking about Lige and I, he decided to troll me by using a very similar avatar to mine. Xirre hopped on the bandwagon, so I made a new one which Lige also took for his own. Xirre isn't a moderator though. |
Fugsnarf wrote:
He isn't, but he was part of the story. I'm just saying. It's okay having fun and stuff. I dislike nearly all of you for being "bias" and hypocritical but it isn't really professional. There's a-lot of people who gives crap in this stain for a community we really don't need moderators doing the same thing. BYOND moderators and police are two different things but they both hold power in communitys. Garner was a victim of wrongly used power. The fact that this is happening now in this community it's comical. |
I'm sorry if I come across as biased to you at any time. It's not my intention and I try not to be when I ever have to deal with someone. I can't speak for the rest of the mods, but I don't believe I have any favoritism towards anybody if their behaviors are deserving of action. The forum pictures are just a joke started by Lige. If you think it's distasteful, I can change it.