Hey my Name is Sai i am owner of the naruto Game Naruto Akatsuki.

the game is going great were groing realy fast but the problem is my pc is slow Y_Y. So i need to know how i can let a friend of host my game. and if you would know someone can u pls tell me hes aim ofcourse i wont let the first best host.
i need to know if hes trustfull first

my emailadres is: [email protected]
To, put it simply all you'd have to do is make a hub page, which I am pretty sure you've done, already. Then, package the files and don't forget the bottom to include for instance: QuestIndustries.JourneyofDestruction

Insert, my key with yours (all together) and your game name the same way. And send the packaged files to your friend. And, there thats all.
In response to Quest Industries
Quest Industries wrote:
Insert, my key with yours

Don't you mean change your key to your own?
In response to RedlineM203
iii... think he meant to add him to GM list....
In response to RedlineM203
RedlineM203 wrote:
Quest Industries wrote:
Insert, my key with yours

Don't you mean change your key to your own?

Eh, yes.. >.<

Gogeta126 wrote:
iii... think he meant to add him to GM list....

Eh, no..