How many memberships do they have and isn't it sort of unfair that they have so many they can rate their own games and make a dramatic difference in doing so and make them look great even if they're not?

I know they have:
Iccusion Entertainment
Aaiko has one... I don't know if this counts
Iccusion Mods
Iccusion Staff

The bottom line of this post is I'm just trying to say that whoever has the most money has the best game in terms of ranking, which is not cool. I'm not complaining about Iccusion, if I had the same money as Iccusion did I would definitely do the same thing.
He did pay to be able to do that... Why shouldn't he?
Well I'm just saying that pretty much whoever has the most money has the best game in terms of ranking.
I agree on that one, WildRogue.
....He payed for them, so ink it's fair. If you're willing to dish out that much money every year, then you should have the right to rate your games as whatever they want. If you think that this is wrong, look at advertising, it's the same philosophy.
Yes, I think Byond suffers alot from being paid...

If they pay for it, they get it. BYOND is free. If people want to donate $10 per account to byond for a year to be able to rank their game highest on each account, then honestly, they should be able to.
Xeal, only $10 goes to BYOND. The other $5 go to paypal and BYONDscape.
You are both right. I don't think games should be ranked at all. Because it's way to messed up, and in no way does it determine the "best" games on BYOND.

But if they pay the money, they should be able to do what the wish with their memberships. Seika isn't the best game on BYOND, but it has alot of supporters. Even if they are all Iccusion Staff >.<
I dish out as much as IE do. They just have more freedom to do it.

I still don't think the BYOND Admins would be pleased with me if I regestered fifteen keys and membershipped them all. Considering the maximum allowed is three.
Just because they get the money doesn't make it legal. That's just like paying off a judge.

Those Mods and Staff keys are just useless =/
Also with IE there's the fact that all there members have to have Iccusion games on there favorites.
I'm in Iccusion. I don't have any of the game on my favorites. Don't lie Lifehunter.
I think anyone who actually cares about a game's rank needs help.
Xeal, you don't matter. From what I've heard you're about to get the old boot anyways :P
lol@Lord of light
The old boot? I doubt it. From what I've heard, you're a failure.
You listed five keys. There are way more than five Iccusion fans without a membership who would put the games on their favorites.

Nobody is required to put any game on their favorites for any reason at all in Iccusion.

Seika is not the best game on BYOND to many people (including myself), but it is to other people.

The BYOND Staff said themselves that the more money getting to BYOND, the faster BYOND 4.0 will be released. Many people agreed that it was better to buy memberships for people rather than just donating it.

Tiberath, you're about $150 behind now.
Tiberath, you're about $150 behind now.

Ohh how I highly doubt that =P
Not all my donations get posted about you know =P

And I mistransfered $100.00 to paypal to pay for something, but decided to go with direct deposit instead, so I have $100.00 in paypal just looking for an excuse to be spend.

Have to admit I'm not doing so bad. One guy with a low paying job vs a company that must make a fortune off donations and subscriptions for various games. <.<
Aaiko, I'm not saying you're wrong for rating your own games, of course, everybody does it. I was just using you as an example because I just couldn't think of anybody else with more memberships. Sorry if it sounds like I'm accusing you of something.
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