Is there any easy way to detect if a turf or area is unique or different from the original turf or area? Currently what I'm doing is creating a new object and comparing its vars list (save for things like x, y, z, and loc) to the one being checked against.
For my game when I want to do something to the Treadmill under my character I use:

for(var/obj/turf/Treadmill/T in src.mob.loc)
T.icon_state = "treadmill"

You could do something like that haha.
In response to Dession
That isn't really what I'm talking about.
Bump. Seeing as how BYOND does this for the object limits, I figured there may be some way to do it.
In response to Popisfizzy
I'm not exactly sure, but I will see what I can do when I get home, if I find a way to do it, I will re-post. Seeing as how many times you helped me in the past.