Ninja Revolution

by Darkith12
A unique roleplay game based lightly on the naruto universe.
Current State of the world

The world is at a peaceful era, Long ago, The villages where at war, Most of there ninja's where killed, but allot of them survived, Now as the world begins to recover from the horrors of war, Meany ninja shell rise, To claim there village, And to protect OR most likely Destroy, Anything could happen as anything is possible.

This game is very similar to Naruto: Evolution, But is Role-play, Meaning you take on a role, In this game you cannot kill without a valid role-play reason to, This means, new players get a chance to train and get stronger, Although the game still has some PVP, It is strongly now enforced with Role-Play.

Type of History

The game is very player driven, meaning most of its history is formed by the players, Be it as if the uchiha took over the mist and the uzumaki took over the sand, In our game you can be from any village and any clan, meaning you could be a Uchiha who was born and raised in the sand, The clans are very spaced out so if a player really loves the sand but wants to be a uchiha he can be that, Lots of events will take place in the game if its Role-played right, Meaning you could RP destroying a village, And that village would end up in being lost to the forest, AS trees would rapidly grow there or it would be taken under the water or even lost in the sands or mist. Although the games history is mostly player based, It has a past a sort of before event that shapes it into the world that it is now, Thus the reasoning of me making the story of the world, Although the time is set in 2021, It is not at all evolved. Basically the world focused more of the spiritual side then tech, Yet there are TVs And some tech-no things, But not allot, like guns or plans. Lets not turn this into a Finally Fantasy game here,Ahahaha!, But anyway the game is highly focused on RP, Though it as allot of PVP aspects, basiclly the PVP aspects most follow the same rules as the RPs, DM(DeathMatch) or RK(Revenge Kill) you can kill someone for no reason, BUT only if its RPed and it has a RP reason, Meaning If your a enemy of that clan,
Or you are a bandit. But don't get the game wrong, just because its called "Ninja Revolution" does not mean that you can ONLY be a ninja, You could be a doctor or maybe a cop? or even a little kid who just loves to play!, The game has endless possibility's.

Game Owner - Darkith12
Head Admin - CConlin216
Admin 1 - Espinoza11
Admin 2 - None
Admin 3 - None
Trial Admin - None
Pixal Artist - None
Head Mod - None
Mod 1 - None
Mod 2 - None
Mod 3 - None
Trial Mod - None
Supporters - None