i need help plz
In response to Garthor
i know but wat do u use ??
In response to Blackbroly12
Let me put this in a considerably less witty way:

The term "guild items" means nothing. You're going to need to be painstakingly specific in what you mean. In fact, describe it as if we don't have a clue what the hell a "guild" or and "item" is. You'll need to be able to do that to write the code anyway.

Remember: don't leave out even the TINIEST detail, or you can't be helped.

BONUS EXTRA FUN: if you don't get this right first try, then I'm not going to bother helping you. Maybe somebody else will, but I won't, because I feel that a bit of one-strike-you're-out helps to motivate people.
Star Club Productions wrote:
I think what he is heading for is how do you make it so that a player can create guild items.

Well that's great and all, but what the hell is a 'guild item'?
In response to ShadowUser
I believe it is/are item(s) available to a specific (or general) guilds (aka clubs, clans, groups, etc)

It's easy... you program them in. Simple, neh?

Wondering how to program it in? You did make a shop system didn't you? Same idea.