Let me explain why this question is on everyone’s mind. (Yes, it was on your mind too. You just didn't realize it.) Rollerc hosts T:CN (Tara'ka: Carpe Noctem) and it isn't up. That is bad. I have this horrid urge to play, and yet, I can't.
I have gotten pretty far on Halo, Halo2, and Prince of Persia: Sands of time. I can't wait till the package that I ordered, arrives. It has 'Fable' in it. YAY!
Shame on me for being up this late, even if it is a weekend. I have to start going to bed and waking up earlier. I am looking for a job.
Mom says that sometime soon, we will be getting my learners permit for driving. This information was music to my ears.
The power was out for like seven hours today. I had to baby-sit my brothers while it was out, so I had to find something for them to do. (Usually they watch TV to entertain themselves.)
Pj and me called Krit today. It was bad. Pj was playfully teasing, and Krit must have taken it seriously because he hung up. I am really upset over it. I tried calling him back, but alas, no avail. He refused to pick up the phone. I feel really bad about it all, even though I did nothing wrong.
I seem to be addicted to xbox, don't I? I blame Krit. He pimped out my xbox so wonderfully that it is hard to stop playing it. (Not that it's a bad thing...)I also blame the government. They make up companies that create video games that I play for days on end, that end up ruining my vision; keeping me from sleeping correct hours, and keep me from having any social interaction. (In real life, that is.) Since I am blaming people, and since I am on a role, I will blame the hippies for the war, the aliens for television, and monkeys for evolution. Hm...I am trying to think of other people to blame for things. Any ideas? If so, post them!
-Love you Pj; talk to you when you wake up.-