Jul 4 2007, 2:25 pm
Alright i have made the hub and when i have hosted the game it does not show in the unpublished games. Help?
Jul 4 2007, 2:39 pm
Likely its because you have a router.
In response to WarLin
ok guys my problem after i host and i have hosted games before so it aint the router i hear about the coding in the game to make it appear on da hub can you tell me exactly where to code it in, or any other problems that might make my server not appear at the hub am mentally retarted so explain clearly thank you
In response to Heavensrath
When you click on the host button make sure you know ... its public not private?
Also, it might appear under unpublished. You might want to make a hub entry before you know... you start hosting too. The world address should be yourname.yourhubentry |