Plz someone tell me how can i add a window that have the following buttons

"Slot 1" "Slot 2" "Slot 3"

You wanted more than that didn't you? Well, perhaps you should be more specific on what you want.
Can you be a bit more specific, are you talking about HUD(Heads Up Display)? Where graphics appear on the game screen? or are you talking about an input box where a seperate window pops up with 3 buttons?

For the first one you'd want to look up "screen_loc" and the "screen(client)" vars in Dream Maker's(F1) help file.

For the second one look up alerts. in Dream Maker's(F1) help file.
In response to Tweelik
Tweelik wrote:
> alert("Slot?","Slots","Slot1","Slot2","Slot3")

If you don't understand alerts that well here's an added example to Tweelik's example.

var/i = alert("Slot?","Slots","Slot1","Slot2","Slot3")
if("Slot1")src<<"You selected slot1!"
if("Slot2")src<<"You selected slot2!"
if("Slot3")src<<"You selected slot3!"