I wish that near-instantaneous transportation was available on Earth (ex: New York to Paris in < minutes)
Granted! Near-instantaneous transportation is now readily available on Earth and is commonly used by all people. Ignoring the activist concerns about non-physical transportation, the large amount of capital that has been invested into "traditional" transportation is widely considered wasted (think of roads, planes, cars, gas and oil, air ports, railroads with trains, and so forth) and results in many failed companies, and in turn, massive job loss, prompting the ultimate and untimely death of the world-wide economy.
I wish I had a flashlight which shined darkness when in light, and shined light when in darkness.
Granted. The issue is that it continued only in English and, as 4kids managed to butcher the series even more, no one was willing to pick it up.
I wish that near-instantaneous transportation was available on Earth (ex: New York to Paris in < minutes)