how do i add an ability that only a gm has and were he can boot someone if he clickes boot and types in their name.
talking about administrator powers?

if so...

i think it might be what you're looking for...

mob/GM/verb/Boot()//defining the verb
set category = "GM" //set it in a cetegory
var/msg = input("Type in the name of who ever you wish to boot","[]") as text //define the name writing proc
for(var/mob/M in world) //Loops for a mob
if(M && M.client) //Checks to see if anyone player is in the world
if(cmptext(msg,"[]") // Checks to see if the name of who ever was booted is in game
alert("Thank you, [] has been booted.")
M << "You were booted by [name]" //tells the person who is being booted a msg
del M //boots them

Please learn from it dont directly include it in your game aslo take time to read this and this

- Miran94