ok sincei just started my game i just wanna know how do u make a basic login screen where its like something like this

(popup) Welcome to Bleach Hollow Death
(popup)Start New or Load Or delete
(popup if u click start new)What colour hair do u want then u choose one blah blah then u choose how much red how much blue how much green)
(popup) choose ur race! (race1,race2,race3,race4)
(popup) choose urskin colour( white , black )

Seriously, start small and work up to advanced projects like a huge RPG game.

Why run before you crawl? You'll hurt yourself.

Read some tutorials listed in the link and learn the basics of the DM language

Essentially you will want to use alert() or input() for those annoying ugly box choices or learn basic HTML and how to use Topic() ([link])
In response to GhostAnime
GhostAnime wrote:
Seriously, start small and work up to advanced projects like a huge RPG game.

Why run before you crawl? You'll hurt yourself.

Read some tutorials listed in the link and learn the basics of the DM language

Essentially you will want to use alert() or input() for those annoying ugly box choices or learn basic HTML and how to use Topic() ([link])

no i tried EVERYTHING omg i am like sooo angry now i dont understand it at all all these turtorials seriosly make no sence they start easy then all of a sudden it gets insane i just need to know how am suppose to makea login like that with popups.
In response to Agrey123
You'll need to give a little more detail, but I'll get you started.

..() //Do normal functions
alert("Welcome to Bleach Hollow Death")
var/action = alert("Choose an action:","Begin","New Character","Load Character","Delete Character")
if("New Character")
//Your New Character Procedure Here
//I'll skip haircolor because I've been trying to do that for a while with no success.
usr.race = alert("Choose Your Race:","Race","Human","Monkey","Other")//usr.race is your race variable. Replace the Human, Monkey, and Other with your races.
usr.skincolor = alert("Choose Your Skin Color:","Skin","White","Black") //usr.skincolor is your skin color variable.
if("Load Character")
//Your Load Character Proc Here
if("Delete Character")
//Your Delete Charracter Proc Here

Try that, and I'm sure you'll get other help.
In response to Agrey123
Agrey is right those tutorials only make sense to people who know what they are doing, but if you dont already know it you wont know which part of the tutorial you need to learn and you got no idea what does what even if they describe it its hardly ever good enough, well unless you are already a pro and you have a good idea of what the thing you are looking for should look like.
In response to Genius_boy001
Genius_boy001 wrote:
DM Guide. =)

DM guide?that only confuses ppl . u know what every single turtorial out there dun think it ever helped anyone ppl usually lear how to code by codin off rips seriosly.i look and look and look at turtorials it just makes angry cuz they never work ...i mean ok like doing turf and objs that works but wtf doin procs and verbs and those things thats just plathetic unno how ppl even learn those kinda things..there incredable hard its like randomly writing jiberish on a peice of paper. if i could just learn the REAL basics by someone it wuold be good.
icon = 'Wizard.dmi'
usr << "<B>Version 1.0 Alpha</B>"
usr << "<B>Loading Spam Guard...</B>"
usr << "<B><Font Color = Blue>Spam Guard Loaded</font>"
usr << "<B><Font Color = Purple>Loading Graphics...</font>"
usr << "<B>Graphics Loaded"
usr << "<B>Welcome To Hogwarts Online...</B>"
usr << sound('HPT.mid', 0)

obj/Start//makes the name
icon = 'start.bmp'//the pic file
Click()//you click it it'll do the following below
usr.loc=locate(1,1,1)//teleports u there
usr.icon = 'wizard.dmi'//sets there icon
world << "<B><Font Color = Green>[usr] has logged in!"//says they have logged in

obj/Quit//the quit obj
icon = 'quit.bmp'//the pic file
Click()//you click it it'll do the following below
del usr//kicks them
world << "<B><Font Color = Green>[usr] logged out"

Edit it how you like and also don't get so mad someone will help you eventually, and you should look up in DM reference, not the guide
In response to Spartagus
Spartagus wrote:
> mob
> Login()
> icon = 'Wizard.dmi'
> usr << "<B>Version 1.0 Alpha</B>"
> sleep(20)
> usr << "<B>Loading Spam Guard...</B>"
> sleep(30)
> usr << "<B><Font Color = Blue>Spam Guard Loaded</font>"
> sleep(30)
> usr << "<B><Font Color = Purple>Loading Graphics...</font>"
> sleep(60)
> usr << "<B>Graphics Loaded"
> usr.loc=locate(6,5,2)
> sleep(30)
> usr << "<B>Welcome To Hogwarts Online...</B>"
> sleep(20)
> usr << sound('HPT.mid', 0)
> obj/Start//makes the name
> icon = 'start.bmp'//the pic file
> Click()//you click it it'll do the following below
> usr.loc=locate(1,1,1)//teleports u there
> usr.icon = 'wizard.dmi'//sets there icon
> usr.icon_state=""
> world << "<B><Font Color = Green>[usr] has logged in!"//says they have logged in
> obj/Quit//the quit obj
> icon = 'quit.bmp'//the pic file
> Click()//you click it it'll do the following below
> del usr//kicks them
> world << "<B><Font Color = Green>[usr] logged out"

Edit it how you like and also don't get so mad someone will help you eventually, and you should look up in DM reference, not the guide

this doesnt work
In response to Agrey123
Your supposed to make the bmp,dmi files you know...
In response to Spartagus
Spartagus wrote:
Your supposed to make the bmp,dmi files you know...

yep i figured it out now thanks
In response to Agrey123
Also I suggest using paint for the start/quit icons
In response to Coco123
Coco123 wrote:
Agrey is right those tutorials only make sense to people who know what they are doing

Well how do you supposed those people who know what they are doing learned it? Its all about how much effort your willing to put into it. If you're not willing to put out the effort to understand complex things, then you won't. But people here also don't want to waste their time trying to help people who aren't willing to put out the effort to understand and just want other people to write code for them.
In response to Agrey123
<font color="blue">Agrey123 wrote:
u know what every single turtorial out there dun think it ever helped anyone...</font>

not true at all. there are literally dozens of people on BYOND (myself included) that have learned via the tutorials and guides available on BYOND. DreamMakers?command=view_post&post=32501
and (in general) are great starts.

<font color="blue">> ppl usually lear how to code by codin off rips seriosly.i look and look and look at turtorials it just makes angry cuz they never work ...i mean ok like doing turf and objs that works but wtf doin procs and verbs and those things thats just plathetic</font>

most of the time people go too fast and miss something. learing how to program simple games takes time, and more complex games take longer. programming relies on patience and a desire to keep learning better ways of doing things. you've got to want to learn programming, and understand that it could take weeks or months to develop really, really, good games.

<font color="blue"> unno how ppl even learn those kinda things..there incredable hard its like randomly writing jiberish on a peice of paper. if i could just learn the REAL basics by someone it wuold be good.</font>

and that is what the links i posted above are designed to do. those are the basics.