ok guys im makina bleach game andi want the mob(person) to ahve a verb called seath

now basicly seath just changes the over lays like for example in the base of the person is a person with a sword behind him i want to have a verb he can press which can change the overlays so the sword can be in his hand ready to fight.

its sorta like a verb which can swich icon stats to another one plz someone i really need help i will be very gratfull..AND please dont tell me to read guides ther realy not helping
Agrey123 wrote:
ok guys im makina bleach game andi want the mob(person) to ahve a verb called seath

now basicly seath just changes the over lays like for example in the base of the person is a person with a sword behind him i want to have a verb he can press which can change the overlays so the sword can be in his hand ready to fight.

its sorta like a verb which can swich icon stats to another one plz someone i really need help i will be very gratfull..AND please dont tell me to read guides ther realy not helping

It's not appreciated in the forum to post topics in all caps. All it does is annoy the users who go around and read the topics, and does not help in any way for someone to read your topic and help you.

For your actual question, you probably mean sheath. What you need to do is add the sword overlay icon when the player uses a sheathing verb. You could define a boolean variable to determine if the sword is wielded or not, and depending on that variable you can add or subtract the player's overlays of the sword icon.

This is a very simple concept that is explained in many guides. I won't tell you to read a guide, but you won't get any help here for very simple things you can either search on the forums or simply look in a guide like the DM Guide. The forums are not your food court, and you can't expect us to give you code, nor is it something you should do either way.
In response to Unknown Person
i need help im despret i dunno where to search i just need someone plz plz plz to help me with this verb its really hard for me
In response to Agrey123
Agrey123 wrote:
i need help im despret i dunno where to search i just need someone plz plz plz to help me with this verb its really hard for me

Did you read what I said? Because it awfully sounds like you just skimmed through it and when you saw no code, it was probably someone just making you read the guide. The developer forums is not a place where you can get your code written for you. It's a place where you can find people to help you solve your own problems in your programming, or to guide you in a method to program what you want to do in your game.

If you really want to make a game yourself, then you need to put the required effort into it. Creating a game isn't a simple breeze where you can attach code like Lego and expect it to be the empire state building. There are a great amount of resources just for people like you who are starting out. To search the forums, type in the key words in the "Forum Search" box at the top-right part of the page. If you can't find what you want, then search the published demos to see if someone has done something. Take the demo and find out what makes it tick and try to use the demos method in your own game. Copy and pasting from a demo will do you no good. In the end, the easiest way to learn DM is from experience of trying out things yourself and following through guides while you are learning. What you are asking is an extremely simple concept that a newbie would be able to program if they went and learned through the right resources.

If you still read this and still want someone to program your game for you, you should reconsider what you want to accomplish while developing on BYOND. Do you want to make your own game, or try and get people to make a game for you?