hi i made an npc that sells u stuff so i set the money and stuff now when i buy the item it doesnt go in my inventory cuz my game doesnt have one. Also i need help with equipting stuff in my inventory. like for example if i had a sword in my invotory i can equpt it i already i have a little code peace that looks like an inventory but doesnt work....so if someone would help me make an invotory and a be able to equpt a weapon plz do
heres the code i got for inventory
usr << "You see:"
for(var/O as obj|mob in oview())
usr << "\a [O]"
name = "Chef"
icon = 'Banker.dmi'
Hp = 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
set src in oview(3)
switch(input("What would you like to buy today??")in list("Crazy sword","Nothing"))
if("Crazy sword")
if(usr.wealth >= 350) //wealth means money
usr.wealth -= 350
var/obj/food/R = new/obj/food // this is my problem i want it to go in my inventory but i dont got one and it doesnt go in.
R.loc = usr
usr<<"Not enough money!"
![]() Aug 2 2007, 11:09 am (Edited on Aug 2 2007, 11:55 am)
![]() Aug 2 2007, 11:36 am
Please post the code for the npc that sells the stuff so I can help you.
Spire8989 wrote:
Please post the code for the npc that sells the stuff so I can help you. mob/npc Food_Vender name = "Chef" icon = 'Banker.dmi' Hp = 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 verb Buy() set src in oview(3) switch(input("What would you like to buy today??")in list("Crazy sword","Nothing")) if("Crazy sword") if(usr.wealth >= 350) //wealth means money usr.wealth -= 350 var/obj/food/R = new/obj/food // this is my problem i want it to go in my inventory but i dont got one and it doesnt go in. R.loc = usr else usr<<"Not enough money!" if("Nothing") return |
mob/npc If not try this: var/obj/food/R = new/obj/food(usr) // this is my problem i want it to go in my inventory but i dont got one and it doesnt go in. |
DadGun wrote:
> mob/npc If not try this: > var/obj/food/R = new/obj/food(usr) // this is my problem i want it to go in my inventory but i dont got one and it doesnt go in. nop none of this work its cuz i dont even have an inventory as in i dont have one at all i dont got a category called inventory if it had somewhere to go then it would be there |
DadGun wrote:
Then make one: > mob/Stat() yo but my stats are using the proc Stat() so i wana keep the tab i already have it says all the detail how do i creat my own one |
mob/npc That should do it. - Miran94 |