Okay I need it so like I set it liwek this

usr<< "Welcome To Paper Mario The begining! Enjoy and please play by the rules!"
switch(alert("Who's side would you like to be on?","Please Choose!","Mario's side!","Bowser's side!"))//The alert to ask Which Side you want to be on
if("Bowser's side!")//If they selected that option
icon = 'mobs.dmi'//The icon file
icon_state = "Bowser M 1"//The icon state
usr.loc = locate(50,50,1)
if("Mario's side!")//If they selected this option!
icon = 'mobs.dmi'//The icon file
icon_state = "Mario M 1"//The Icon state..
usr.loc = locate(50,50,1)

Ok so How can I make it a var so like It tells me what side I am on so i can put it on my stat panel? If you get what i am talkin about please respond. If nto please tell me to explain better...
side = ""//Create a var called "side"

switch(alert("Who's side would you like to be on?","Please Choose!","Mario's side!","Bowser's side!"))
if("Mario's side")
src.side = "Mario's Side"//Assign the string to the var