Alright can sombody explain to me how I would create a photo then put it onto my game like a login system?

Would you upload it to like imageshack or somthign that hosts pictures get the url and do somthing with the URL?

Plz help?


Take the pic and put it in the same directory as the rest of your files for that source then code it like so:

(This example uses a file named Login.)
(Makes sure the file type is supported by Byond.)

Then in map you fill in a large area and it should make it.
In response to Lt. Pain
It's better to use a PNG instead of a BMP.
In response to Crunched
In response to Lt. Pain
Lt. Pain wrote:
Take the pic and put it in the same directory as the rest of your files for that source then code it like so:

(This example uses a file named Login.)
(Makes sure the file type is supported by Byond.)
> turf/Login_screen1
> icon='Login.bmp'
> density=1
> layer=5000

Then in map you fill in a large area and it should make it.

Alrigth ma you please explain to em sorry I dont understand is like BMP where I save all my pictures?? Or somthing?
In response to Jazzyfizzle
Alright plz Help the pics in my pictures some of them are PNG and most of the ones are JPG? How do I make the os I want a PNG file????

Or how does the whole thign work? PLz help!
In response to Lt. Pain
Alrigth well the photo I want to put on my game is

May somoen explain step by step how I would do this??
In response to Lt. Pain
I have the same problem so should it look like this? And if yes then how do I make the png file work with byond?
icon = 'Fortress of Vengeance Hegemony.png'
density = 1
layer = 1

Also whats layer do?
In response to Jazzyfizzle
Som1 plz help!!
I really need to do this for my game :(