Ahoy Folks! I'm getting ready to start a dev-vlog series, and I'd like your help. I'd like to focus on community, so one of the things I'm going to do is use your selfies as my video background. Take a look at the background of Mike Rugnetta's Idea Channel videos - in fact, take a short look at this one, just to be Meta:
Why Do We Hate Selfies? (PBS Idea Channel video on YouTube)
See how he uses album covers as his background? That's what I want to do with selfies from the gaming community. If you're a developer or player and you want to show that you are a part of this community, send me your selfie :)
Here's how to do it:
* Take a selfie (or have someone take a portrait of you; that works, too).
* The photo should be a portrait. Think face and shoulders. If you've got belt or boots, you've zoomed out too far.
* Selfies will be displayed in a 4x6 frame. If your photo is square, or uses another aspect ratio (like 2:3) then it'll get cropped.
* No nudity, please. (And other common sense guidelines.)
* Send your photo to [email protected], put "Selfie" in the subject line.
* Please use the highest resolution available.
I'll print and frame your photos, and start filling up my wall. As videos are made, you'll see more and more faces joining yours :)
![]() Jul 24 2014, 10:31 am
![]() Jul 24 2014, 11:39 am
Let me see what I can do for you this weekend.
I had some for funsies pictures taken of me from a friend (was a military photographer, not just someone with a nice camera). But I lost all of the pictures, So I can probably get him to do some new shots with me tonight or this weekend. |
Are mug shots allowed? Like, I got arrested last year for armed robbery and possession of narcotics. Can I use the picture the police took of me?
BTW there a lot of pictures of BYONDites on the BYOND facebook group. I kinda agree though with Fishman, this is kinda weird having everyone's face on your wall. Perhaps, to avoid making people feel uncomfortable, you could fill your wall with their games instead. For example, Yut's a decent artist. He could go into Photoshop and make, an AVIA or Epic box art, send it to you, and then you can print and frame that instead. So in your backgrund, instead of Yut's face, it would be sort of like a poster with Yut's game name, logo, or art work from the game on it. Edit: Kinda like this, except instead of XBOX at the top it could say "PC" and Yut could put any rating he wanted on it, along with his game's logo or just any art work he chooses. |
Yut Put wrote:
..............i'm unsure how to react to this unusual post By sending a self portrait, and seeing it in the background of a video series on game development? EmpirezTeam wrote: Are mug shots allowed? Like, I got arrested last year for armed robbery and possession of narcotics. Can I use the picture the police took of me? If you want to express yourself that way, I don't see why not. If ALL the pictures I get are mugshots, I'll have to rethink my plan, but that's unlikely. FishMan123 wrote: Creepy It's all in the context. Ever been in a diner where they had signed portraits of all the famous people who had eaten there hanging on the walls? That's what we did in an apartment I used to live in. Everyone who came to a party or visited could sit down and have their portrait taken. They'd then sign the photo, and we'd hang it on the big wall by the front door. Everyone loved it, and they'd fight to have the best portrait, the best signature or the best position on the wall. Not a single person ever said that it felt creepy or asked not to have their portrait taken. That same apartment had a room in the basement with a low ceiling where the old tenants had left nothing but a chair facing a big poster of Brittany Spears. Really creepy. We used to call it the murder room. Had we left the poster there and hung the portraits next to it - yeah. Context. How about some anonymous lurker who goes by the handle "Fish Man" coming into a thread to say nothing but "creepy". That context feels pretty sketchy to me. |
Because I will forget, I'm gonna leave a post here to remind myself to do this.
"That's what we did in an apartment I used to live in"
Obviously it wouldn't be creepy when you have personally known (or at least have socialized with them) in real life. Now, seeing as this is the internet(with all these creeps out there): Yes, this is indeed quite creepy. |
FishMan123 wrote:
Now, seeing as this is the internet(with all these creeps out there) Exactly. I've been here for 12 years. What I do and who I am is available through the search feature. If you don't know me, that's fine, but I'm not some unknown random person on the internet. In a very real sense, This is My House, and this topic is targeted at members of my community who know me. Now, granted, the absence of the members area and blogs means that I have to do so via this public forum, but the question remains: Why would you come in here and creep up the place? Who is being the random internet creep? It's easy to cast doubt. Slinging mud is amazingly effective, even when what's being claimed is known to be untrue; just repeating it has a psycological effect. And maybe this did seem creepy to you. You registered Dec 27th 2010, so there's a small chance you know me and my history here. And that's OK. But if you're going to come in here and paint me in that light, you have a responsibility to learn enough about the context of this conversation before you join in. Respect is what I'm talking about: basic respect which is the foundation of a healthy community. I can reflect on my actions and see where there's room for improvement. For example, I could have identified my target audience explicitly instead of leaving it implicit. That reply button gives you the same opportunity. |
Falcon lazorz wrote:
I'm going out tonight. I'll get pissed, take a selfie with like 30 girls and just me, send you that and then I'll look like the coolest person on BYOND. okay I'm looking for portraits of individuals, so what you'll need to do is have each of them take their own selfies and send me all of them - but I'll put you in the middle when I hang them on the wall. |
Go to hell. I'm never going to take a selfie. It's so lame. You guys are too mainstream.
Xirre wrote:
Go to hell. I'm never going to take a selfie. It's so lame. You guys are too mainstream. I would take the photo for you, but we're too far apart. The good news is that you can get someone else to take the portrait for you, if you really hate self portraits so much. Also, welcome to the Internet! To get the most out of this place, you'll want to avoid random useless hate. It's usually not welcome in a community and tends to give you a bad reputation. Also, it's best to avoid commenting when you have nothing to add. You'll get the hang of it eventually. Cheers! |
IainPeregrine wrote:
Xirre wrote: It's okay. I was only joking around. I'm friendly. Regardless, still mainstream. I wish you good luck on your future endeavors though. |
I've got a few photos that might do, but they all seem to be way too small - like 600x400 px, and you'd be cutting out like 1/2 the horizontal pixels.
Weird that people think this is creepy. You've been here forever. |
the reason i cant send my picture in is because im so beautiful, iain wouldn't be able to stop looking at my gorgeous face long enough to actually finish the project. my sexiness is too much of a distraction.
but the rest of you hideous, ogre-looking lads might do the trick |
Jp wrote:
Weird that people think this is creepy. You've been here forever. I think the response would have been different had I not used the word "selfie". What I'm looking for is for people to submit a portrait of themselves. That's it. By saying selfie, though, I've associated my project with all of the hate that selfies get. Also, some people conflate selfies with sexting, which is the only reason I can think why someone would consider this project creepy. |