Aug 14 2007, 4:02 pm
hi everyone how do i make a verb that can summon objects and the objects appear beside u ..then they go away after some time....and also the moves determing of where u click. Like if u clcik somewhere the object moves there. And also makes the obj attack players like if u click on the players or it bumps into the player it hurts them. if anyone can help il be veryvery very gratfull thanks
In response to GhostAnime
if u have enoupgh time to write all that i think u have enoupgh time to give me an example i would be very gratfull if u did..
In response to Agrey123
Too bad, I still won't do it.
Part of being developer is to do things by trial and error. mob/Click() |
In response to GhostAnime
cmon iv been trying to do this for such a long time i read demos and turtorials and everything nothing helps plz just do this il learn off what u did
In response to Agrey123
Well, I showed you something about Click(). Unlike most procedures, usr is okay to use in Click() as well as verbs and Stat() [as usr is set to the person executing it].
Remember, usr != src... try using the Click() proc I showed on another mob and see what it says. Using this knowledge, you can make a few if()s or so and make a Click-based movement/attacking system. For timed deletion, all you have to do is define a variable and store the created object in it. After a set amount of time, either by sleep(0 or spawn(), delete (via del) that variable which will delete the object stored in the variable. |
In response to GhostAnime
-.- wow man u are a life saver -.- thanks for that "help" its called developer how-to not developer give hints
In response to Agrey123
He did give you help but you can't expect him to give you the entire code.
In response to Monkeykid0049
well his help didint help :( and hes mean i asked him for the code and he said he would never gimmi it like if it was worth a million dollars
In response to Agrey123
This is Developer How-To, not Code Request.. that'd be more of a classified thing anyways.
We help direct you on how to do something, not do whatever you want and give it freely. |
Second of all, do not post the same thread/question in different sections, one section is good enough.
Third of all, look up the following (these are all components to what you have asked for)
- Defining a variable (to keep track of the 'summoned object')
- spawn()
- del() <-- to delete the object later
- Click()/DblClick()
- if()
I really hope you didn't expect me to type out the whole example on to the outline your specified, that'd take a while (which I could spend the time on my projects).