(See the best response by Crazah.)

Problem description:what are some useful process to add a trail affect like kamaehamaeha or how ever you spell it

Best response
There are a ton of ways to do this. One of the simplest ones is to just create an /obj trail every time your projectile calls Move(). Then after a period of time, delete them.
can you show me a example but disabling me to copy and paste so im not tempted and i have to use my brain
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
density = 1

var/turf/OldLoc = src.loc // Current location
. = ..() // See if the movement is successful (see DM for default return values)
if(.) // . is the default return value. We are checking if the Move() result is TRUE (ie not 0/FALSE, "" or null).
new/Comet/Tail(OldLoc, Dir) // Creates a tail object where the comet used to be

density = 0

New(turf/Loc, Dir=0) // Called by DM when /Comet/Tail is created
// ASSERT()s are used to make sure that the values given do exist

// No point of doing src.loc = Loc since new() would have created it there already :)

src.dir = Dir

spawn(50) // Delete the tail after 5 seconds

Del() // Called when the object is being deleted
for(var/i = 0 to 255)
src.alpha = 255 - i // Go from opaque (solid) to transparent
..() // The object is now deleted.
how would i make it so the trail doesnt go on usr
In response to YoungJR1232
Hint: Look up variables/procedures that you do not know about or have not read about for a long time. In this case, look up layer.